【Hozu Rafting】hot spring or spa near Kyoto

Is there a hot spring or spa nearby?

Yes, there are. Here are a few of them.


♦Yunohana Onsen
25 minutes by car from Hozugawa Base

Yunohana Onsen is the most famous hot spring in Kameoka!

Yunohana Onsen, Hiedano Town, Kameoka City, Kyoto, 621-0034


♦Nizaemon no Yu
19 minutes drive from Hozugawa Base

It is an easy super public bath.

5 Bonzan, Kashihara, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8165


Taking a hot spring is great after white water rafting.


Ask our rafting guides for recommendations for hot springs.

Maybe they know more!

【Hozu Half-day Rafting】charter boat

What is the Charter Boat Plan?

The Charter Boat Plan is an optional plan that allows you to charter a single boat.
Normally, the boat has a capacity of 7 people, so we ask our guests to share the boat with other guests.

The Charter Boat Plan is for those who do not want to share a boat with other guests.

Please make a reservation for 7 persons without regard to the number of participants.
You will be charged for 7 people.

(If you charter two boats, you will be charged for 14 people.)


【Hozu Rafting】rafting photo

Can I get rafting photos?

We sell them to guests who want to buy them.


For each boat, the guide will take photos of the rafting trip, and a screening will be held after the trip.

If you like the photos, you can buy them as data for each boat.

【About photoes of Hozu Rafting】

The rafting guide takes about 30~40 photos per boat.

All photo data is sold for ¥2,000.


【How to share data】

We put the data into your iPhone via a lightning cable.

Please share it with someone else in your group.

For those who want the data on an SD card instead of on an Android phone or smartphone, we can sell the data on an SD card.

The fee for the SD card is ¥3,000 (tax included).

For security reasons, we do not allow your own SD cards.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

【Hozu Rafting】bringing camera, GoPro

Can I bring my camera, GoPro, etc.?

We do not recommend that you bring a camera to the river as you may lose it.
It is also a cause of injury, so it is recommended that you do not bring anything with you.

[About bringing cameras or GoPro]

You can bring your own, but you will surely get wet because there is a torrent that will cover your head with water.


We have had many guests who have lost theirs, so we do not recommend it.

Any malfunction or loss is your own responsibility. Please understand this in advance.

Our rafting guides take pictures of you on the boat.


The photos are for sale, but we hope you will consider purchasing them as they will be a memorable experience.

If you have a photo you would like to have taken, please feel free to make a request to the guide!

We will try to satisfy your wishes as much as possible! LOL!

【Hozu Rafting】kill time near Kyoto

Where can non-rafters spend time?

Here are some places as non-rafters can spend time.

Yamamoto Beach


This is the starting point for half-day rafting.

There is a small creek, recommended for those who want to spend a relaxing time.

Higashi simo kawahara, Yamamoto,Shino-cho,Kameoka, Kyoto

Sagano Romantic Train


It is located very close to the starting point, so it would be nice to go out to Arashiyama after the drop-off!

This might be a good idea if you want to split up into two groups, one for rafting and the other for walking around Arashiyama.



One stop toward Sonobe from the nearest station to our meetig place, Umabori Station.

It is located near Kameoka Station.

This facility is recommended for those who have small children.


【Hozu Half-day Rafting】White water rafting boat

How many people can ride on one boat?

This is an 8-passenger boat including 7 guests and one of our guides.


Small groups of guests will share a boat with other small groups of guests.

Usually, six or seven people will be in one boat, but other guests may be seated in available seats together.

However, on rare days, due to the amount of water or weather conditions on the day of the trip, 6 or 7 people may be split into 2 or 3 boats. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but we apologize if we are unable to do so.

For reservations of 8 or more people, we will split up the boat.

The available seats may be shared with other guests in a smaller group.

Charter boats are also available.
For more information, please check About Charter Boats.


【Hozu Rafting】almost late!

I’m going to be late! What should I do?

Just try to make it on time, as it will bother other customers.

If you are going to be late, please be sure to call our direct phone number.

Hozugawa rafting : 090-5243-9787

We will do our best to wait for late arrivals, but in some cases, we may deem a late arrival to be a same-day cancellation.

If you are more than 30 minutes late, we will regard it as a same-day cancellation.

We appreciate for your cooperation and understanding.

【Hozu Rafting】valuables

Both the half-day and family courses have returnable lockers for valuables in the changing rooms.

Please have 100-yen coins ready.


After rafting, you will come back here to change your clothes.

Before leaving the rafting trip, the guide will lock the door to the changing room after confirming the number of participants.

You can leave your suitcases and other large luggage in the changing rooms.

Please keep your valuables in the coin lockers (100 yen return type) in the changing rooms.

The keys to the coin lockers are wristband-type.

If not fastened securely, they may be lost.

Please fasten it tightly.

[good example]


[bad example]


Be careful not to leave the key bare or not pass through the ring clasp, as this will lead to loss.

If you lost your key

If you lost your key, you need to pay 3,000 yen for repair.

We recommend that you use them together in a group, etc. so that you are less likely to lose them.

【Hozu Half-day Rafting】white water rafting minimum age

How old do I have to be to participate?

Children ages 9 and up may participate; children ages 9 to 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Children under the age of 9 may not participate, even if they are fit enough.

We look forward to welcoming you when you are old enough to participate.


Hozu River Rafting Family Course is for ages 5 and up.

Our Hozu River Rafting Family Course is for ages 5 and up, while the Nagara River in Gifu, Nagatoro in Saitama and Okutama in Tokyo are available for ages 7 and up. Please use this as a useful travel reference.

For safety reasons, those who meet the age requirements but are under the influence of alcohol, pregnant, or have any other obstacles to rafting will not be allowed to participate. Please be noted.

White Water Rafting Rules


1.Please be sure to follow the guide’s instructions during the tour.

2.If you are injured or feel unwell, please notify our staff.

3.Please listen carefully to the safety instructions.

4.Please be sure to read and fill out the Pre-tour Participation Authorization Form before the tour.

5.Have a lot of great fun!

【Hozu Half-day Rafting】time schedule

How long?

About 3.5 hours, including time to change clothes.

About 1.5 hours to raft a distance of about 5 km.

It depends on season and white water volume.


What is Hozugawa like?

White Water Rafting, of course, has many attractions.


The scenery of the Hozugawa River valley is beautiful.

You can feel the elegance of mountain cherry blossoms in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall.

Wild animals such as wild birds, monkeys, and deer can be seen!

Feel the great nature as you cross the rapids and relax in the gentle areas.

How early should I arrive?

Come with enough time to spare.

It is recommended to arrive 15~30 minutes before your appointment.

When you arrive, please tell the reception staff the name of your reservation. Our staff will show you around.

If you have enough time to spare before the scheduled time, please use the restroom or take a sunscreen and wait.

If you do not have water with you, there are vending machines available, so please refill your water beforehand.