【Nagara Rafting】climate in Gujo-city, Gifu

What is the climate in Gifu (Gujo City)?

♦The temperature is a little lower than in Nagoya City.

Nagaragawa River (Gujo City) is known for its cool morning and evening temperatures.

We recommend that you dress a little warmer if you are traveling to Nagaragawa area.

Warm clothing such as wetsuits will be provided on the tour to keep your body cool.

【Temperature on the Nagaragawa River?】

In the Nagaragawa River, the river water heats to warm up if the weather is sunny, and the water temperature gets to drop after it rains.

In the summer, swim or jump in with a bathing suit or rash guard if the weather is sunny.

During the rainy season and later in the season, we recommend wearing a wetsuit.

Please be reminded that swimming, playing games, and diving from rocks during the tour are just free participation.


【Nagara Rafting】swimsuit

Can I raft without a swimsuit?

Yes, as long as you have something to wear in place of a swimsuit.

This is an example of a non-swimsuit substitute.

Underwear that can get wet
Sports pants

Cotton items are difficult to dry and get cold easily, so chemical fiber items (e.g., polyurethane and polyester) are recommended.

Specific examples of synthetic fibers include rash guards, leggings, and AIRism by UNIQLO.


During the season when wetsuits are rented out, swimsuits and other items are to be worn inside the wetsuit.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our reservation center.

Tel 0771-29-5370

【Nagara Rafting】hopeless swimmer

Can I go rafting even if I can’t swim?

Yes, you can raft, as we wear life jackets and helmets.

We are ready for each guest a life jacket of the correct size for rafting.

Nagaragawa River rafting is also used for school excursions, so the intensity is middle level.


The rapids do not last forever.

Please try to drift or swim at the gentle points!

If you can afford it, please try diving from the rocks!


【Nagara Rafting】girl’s day

Can I go rafting if I am on my period?

Yes, you can participate in rafting.

Please do not overdo it when participating.

You can wait on the boat for the swimming points and rock dives along the way, which are optional.

There may be female staff, so please feel free to ask for advice!

Our wetsuits are black, so they are not noticeable.


【gadget】useful goods for girl’s day

♦Tampon or sanitary napkin

→When a sanitary napkin gets wet, it becomes puffy and may cause uncomfortable feeling.

 For this reason, tampons are recommended.

♦Period Pills ( painkiller)

→If you are worried about your period, it may be a good idea to take it.

 If you are not comfortable with them, we do not recommend taking them by choice.

disposable heat pack

→Depending on the season, your body may be cold after rafting.

 Warming up your body will help you feel more relaxed.

【Nagara Rafting】change clothes

Do I need to arrive at the meeting place with my clothes changed?

No, you do not need to.
We have separate changing rooms for men and women at our meeting place.

We will also have time for you to change your clothes, so you will be fine.


【After arriving at the meeting place】



・Shoes rental, etc


・Tour start time and briefing


・Fill out the agreement form


・Instructions on how to change clothes


・Changing clothes by yourself

After checking in, if there is still time before the tour starts, we guide you to change your clothes first.
Wetsuits are free to rent, so please ask for a wetsuit at any time.


Coin lockers are placed in the changing rooms. (100 yen return system)

Please use them to keep valuables and any items that you do not want to lose.

If you take personal belongings into the river, there is a high possibility of loss, so please be very careful before departure.

【Nagara Rafting】Is it OK for beginners?

Many of our guests are new.
Of course, our staff will explain everything in detail and kindly, so please don’t worry.

All of our rafting guides are rescue certified and will give you a thorough lecture.


Safety Policy

Here we introduce some of our safety policies and guidelines.

【Safety Gear】

We have to wear life jackets and helmets as safety gear for rafting.

Life jackets are especially important, and it is said that many river accidents could have been prevented if they were worn.

Life jackets of various sizes are ready for you.

In addition to helmets, we also have seasonal clothing (wetsuits, jackets, etc.) available.


【Rafting Safety Guidelines】

Rafting safety guidelines are centered on water level standards.

When the water level is rising, not only does the possibility of accidents occurring increase, but the risk in the event of an accident tends to be enormous.

For this reason, we have set strict water level standards.


Safety briefing before the rafting trip

Before the rafting trip, you listen to a safety briefing at the starting point.

If you have any questions or concerns after listening to the safety briefing, please feel free to contact us!


【Nagara Rafting】charter boat

What is the Charter Boat Plan?

The Charter Boat Plan is an optional plan that allows you to charter a single boat.
Normally, the boat has a capacity of 9 people, so we ask our guests to share the boat with other guests.

The Charter Boat Plan is for those who do not want to share a boat with other guests.

Please make a reservation for 9 persons without regard to the number of participants.
You will be charged for 9 people.

(If you charter two boats, you will be charged for 18 people.)


【Nagaragawa White Water Rafting Journal】


This time, we had a woman, nickname is Nika-san.She enjoyed white water rafting on the Nagaragawa River near Nagoya.


I participated in this event at the end of July with four friends from college. I was a little worried that we would not be able to have fun together because some of us were not good in the water. However, we were given a safety briefing before going down the river, and the guide made us feel relaxed.


Thanks to the cool paddling skills of the staff, we were able to enjoy the thrill and safety of rafting. We not only rafted down the river, but also played a Titanic-like balancing game with ropes and jumped off the boat and off the rocks at the halfway point.


I have been rafting several times, but this was the most fun I have ever had with the wonderful staff and great company at Big Smile!


We enjoyed the day to the fullest by having a BBQ at a nearby riverbank and taking a hot spring bath. I hope everyone will try to make wonderful memories at Big Smile!

【Nagara Rafting】What is rafting the Nagaragawa River like?

The Nagaragawa River is famous for its clear water.

If the river conditions are good, you can even see the bottom of the river about 5 meters below the surface.

Rafting may sound exciting with the wildest rapids, but the Nagaragawa River is also a wonderful river with good river water quality, scenery surrounded by mountains, and a lot of living creatures and the grandeur of nature.

Here we would like to introduce the Nagaragawa River.

The Three Great Clear Rivers

The Nagaragawa River is a first-class river and one of the three clearest rivers in Japan, known as one of the “three clearest rivers in Japan.
The three major clear rivers are judged comprehensively based on their name recognition, rich ecosystem, and the original landscape of the region.
The other two rivers are the Shimanto River in Kochi Prefecture and the Kakita River in Shimizu Town, Shizuoka Prefecture.



The Nagaragawa River flows from Dainichigatake (1,709 m above sea level), which straddles Gujo City and Takayama City in Gifu Prefecture.
It is 166 km long, merges with other rivers, and eventually flows to Ise Bay.
The area where you will be rafting is located upstream of the entire river, and the water quality is quite good even within the Nagaragawa River!



The ecosystem of the Nagaragawa River is very rich, as it is one of the three most important clear streams.
The most famous fish is ayu (sweetfish)!
Ayu caught in the Nagaragawa River in Gujo City is called “Gujo Ayu” and is said to have a mellow aroma in addition to a well-defined shape.
There are a number of places in Gujo where you can eat such ayu, so be sure to visit before or after rafting!

The Gujo City is also home to the “giant salamander,” a special natural treasure.
They are nocturnal, so it is rare to see them on the river, but if you look from the boat on a clear day, you may be able to spot them.
Please look for them!



Camping and activities are so popular in Gujo City that it is sometimes called “the holy land of outdoor activities.
In the summer, many people come to enjoy the city, especially when combined with the Gujo Dancing Festival.
The river is very lively with not only rafting boats but also campers and kayakers who come to play individually, and recently, SUPs are popular among many people!
Rafting is especially popular with everyone, and is a great way to enjoy the beautiful Nagaragawa River, swimming, splashing each other, going down rapids, and so on.
Please come and enjoy Nagaragawa River rafting!


【Nagara Rafting】car parking spaces

We have free car parking spaces.

Park in the parking lot of Hotel Gujo Hachiman.

There is a parking lot that can accommodate about 100 cars or more.

Parking is also available for medium-sized and large buses.

Also, our meeting place and parking lot are located on the same site.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Map of the site


①When you enter the site, you first see the BIG SMILE.

In front of the entrance is the parking lot of the Taiwanese restaurant next door, so parking is not allowed during the rafting trip.


②Please drop off your companions and luggage in front of the entrance and proceed to the back of the building on the right side of the facility.


③Please turn left in front of the hotel and park in the parking lot at the back of the building.

↓ ↓ ↓ This is a photo looking north from the parking lot.


Meeting Place BIGSMILE Nagaragawa base

direct phone line 080-2446-9876

Address ZIP-code: 501-4206
200 Yoshino, Hachiman- cho, Gujyo-shi, Gifu