【Nagara Rafting】Is it OK for beginners?

Many of our guests are new.
Of course, our staff will explain everything in detail and kindly, so please don’t worry.

All of our rafting guides are rescue certified and will give you a thorough lecture.


Safety Policy

Here we introduce some of our safety policies and guidelines.

【Safety Gear】

We have to wear life jackets and helmets as safety gear for rafting.

Life jackets are especially important, and it is said that many river accidents could have been prevented if they were worn.

Life jackets of various sizes are ready for you.

In addition to helmets, we also have seasonal clothing (wetsuits, jackets, etc.) available.


【Rafting Safety Guidelines】

Rafting safety guidelines are centered on water level standards.

When the water level is rising, not only does the possibility of accidents occurring increase, but the risk in the event of an accident tends to be enormous.

For this reason, we have set strict water level standards.


Safety briefing before the rafting trip

Before the rafting trip, you listen to a safety briefing at the starting point.

If you have any questions or concerns after listening to the safety briefing, please feel free to contact us!
