【Nagara Rafting】climate in Gujo-city, Gifu

What is the climate in Gifu (Gujo City)?

♦The temperature is a little lower than in Nagoya City.

Nagaragawa River (Gujo City) is known for its cool morning and evening temperatures.

We recommend that you dress a little warmer if you are traveling to Nagaragawa area.

Warm clothing such as wetsuits will be provided on the tour to keep your body cool.

【Temperature on the Nagaragawa River?】

In the Nagaragawa River, the river water heats to warm up if the weather is sunny, and the water temperature gets to drop after it rains.

In the summer, swim or jump in with a bathing suit or rash guard if the weather is sunny.

During the rainy season and later in the season, we recommend wearing a wetsuit.

Please be reminded that swimming, playing games, and diving from rocks during the tour are just free participation.
