【Nagara Rafting】car parking spaces

We have free car parking spaces.

Park in the parking lot of Hotel Gujo Hachiman.

There is a parking lot that can accommodate about 100 cars or more.

Parking is also available for medium-sized and large buses.

Also, our meeting place and parking lot are located on the same site.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Map of the site


①When you enter the site, you first see the BIG SMILE.

In front of the entrance is the parking lot of the Taiwanese restaurant next door, so parking is not allowed during the rafting trip.


②Please drop off your companions and luggage in front of the entrance and proceed to the back of the building on the right side of the facility.


③Please turn left in front of the hotel and park in the parking lot at the back of the building.

↓ ↓ ↓ This is a photo looking north from the parking lot.


Meeting Place BIGSMILE Nagaragawa base

direct phone line 080-2446-9876

Address ZIP-code: 501-4206
200 Yoshino, Hachiman- cho, Gujyo-shi, Gifu