【Nagara Rafting】car parking spaces

We have free car parking spaces.

There is a parking lot that can accommodate about 20 cars or more.

Parking is also available for medium-sized and large buses.

Also, our meeting place and parking lot are located on the same site.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Map of the site


①When you enter the site, you first see the BIG SMILE.

②Please drop off your companions and luggage in front of the entrance.

③Please park in the free parking lot on the same site.

↓ ↓ ↓ This is a photo looking north from the parking lot.


Meeting Place BIGSMILE Nagaragawa base

direct phone line 080-2446-9876

Address ZIP-code: 501-4101
257-1 Kamita, Minami- cho, Gujyo-shi, Gifu