【Nagara Rafting】course

Here we answer questions about Nagara River rafting tour times, transportation, rafting courses, and more! Please check it out forthese information if you are thinking of joining us!

Q. How long?

A. About 3.5 hours, including time to change clothes.

About 1 or 1.5 hours to raft a distance of about 5 km.

On the way down, you can experience not only the wildest rapids, but also games on the boat, swimming in the river, and jumping from rocks. (not mandatory)


It depends on season and white water volume.

Q. How do we get to the starting point and how long does it take to get there?

A. We move from our meeting place to and from the rafting start point in our minibus.

Trip time for each course ↓ ↓ ↓

Morning course:10 minutes to the start point and 15 minutes from the finish point.

Afternoon course:15 minutes to the start point and 15 minutes from the finish point.


Q. Is the course the same in the morning and afternoon?

A. They are different courses.

♦Common points of the courses

There are 4 to 5 rapids in the morning and afternoon, and they vary depending on the amount of water and other factors.

The rapid is not always strong, but rather slow and steady, and there are areas where you can take your time.

The Nagaragawa River is highly clear, and when conditions are good, and when conditions are good, you can see down to 5 meters. It is a beautiful river to see and to be in!

Below are the features of each course.

♦About morning courses

You can enjoy a sense of speed, and it is stable and interesting even when the water level is low.

When the water level is high, there are some places where a drop of more than 1 meter can be made!

Depending on the water level situation, you can also play with a boat called surfing.


There is a home for giant salamanders, so you may be able to run into them!

♦About afternoon courses

The rapids are more challenging and the waves are higher. Recommended for those looking for intense waves.

There are many powerful rapids, and when the water is rising, it can be quite thrilling!

The rafting guide can show off his/her skills as he/she sometimes passes close to huge rocks.


The dive from the 5-meter rock, which appears only when the water is rising,is super lucky if you are able to come across it!

(The photo shows the normal diving point.)


Please choose the course that best matches your needs and plans.

We look forward to seeing you at Nagaragawa River!