【Nagara Rafting】What is rafting the Nagaragawa River like?

The Nagaragawa River is famous for its clear water.

If the river conditions are good, you can even see the bottom of the river about 5 meters below the surface.

Rafting may sound exciting with the wildest rapids, but the Nagaragawa River is also a wonderful river with good river water quality, scenery surrounded by mountains, and a lot of living creatures and the grandeur of nature.

Here we would like to introduce the Nagaragawa River.

The Three Great Clear Rivers

The Nagaragawa River is a first-class river and one of the three clearest rivers in Japan, known as one of the “three clearest rivers in Japan.
The three major clear rivers are judged comprehensively based on their name recognition, rich ecosystem, and the original landscape of the region.
The other two rivers are the Shimanto River in Kochi Prefecture and the Kakita River in Shimizu Town, Shizuoka Prefecture.



The Nagaragawa River flows from Dainichigatake (1,709 m above sea level), which straddles Gujo City and Takayama City in Gifu Prefecture.
It is 166 km long, merges with other rivers, and eventually flows to Ise Bay.
The area where you will be rafting is located upstream of the entire river, and the water quality is quite good even within the Nagaragawa River!



The ecosystem of the Nagaragawa River is very rich, as it is one of the three most important clear streams.
The most famous fish is ayu (sweetfish)!
Ayu caught in the Nagaragawa River in Gujo City is called “Gujo Ayu” and is said to have a mellow aroma in addition to a well-defined shape.
There are a number of places in Gujo where you can eat such ayu, so be sure to visit before or after rafting!

The Gujo City is also home to the “giant salamander,” a special natural treasure.
They are nocturnal, so it is rare to see them on the river, but if you look from the boat on a clear day, you may be able to spot them.
Please look for them!



Camping and activities are so popular in Gujo City that it is sometimes called “the holy land of outdoor activities.
In the summer, many people come to enjoy the city, especially when combined with the Gujo Dancing Festival.
The river is very lively with not only rafting boats but also campers and kayakers who come to play individually, and recently, SUPs are popular among many people!
Rafting is especially popular with everyone, and is a great way to enjoy the beautiful Nagaragawa River, swimming, splashing each other, going down rapids, and so on.
Please come and enjoy Nagaragawa River rafting!
