【Nagara Rafting】climate in Gujo-city, Gifu
What is the climate in Gifu (Gujo City)? ♦The temperature is a little lower than in Nagoya City. Nagaragawa Ri … “【Nagara Rafting】climate in Gujo-city, Gifu”の続きを読む
What is the climate in Gifu (Gujo City)? ♦The temperature is a little lower than in Nagoya City. Nagaragawa Ri … “【Nagara Rafting】climate in Gujo-city, Gifu”の続きを読む
Can I raft without a swimsuit? Yes, as long as you have something to wear in place of a swimsuit. This is an e … “【Nagara Rafting】swimsuit”の続きを読む
Can I go rafting even if I can’t swim? Yes, you can raft, as we wear life jackets and helmets. We are re … “【Nagara Rafting】hopeless swimmer”の続きを読む
Can I go rafting if I am on my period? Yes, you can participate in rafting. Please do not overdo it when parti … “【Nagara Rafting】girl’s day”の続きを読む
Do I need to arrive at the meeting place with my clothes changed? No, you do not need to.We have separate chan … “【Nagara Rafting】change clothes”の続きを読む
Many of our guests are new.Of course, our staff will explain everything in detail and kindly, so please don … “【Nagara Rafting】Is it OK for beginners?”の続きを読む