【Nagara Rafting】BBQ spot near Nagaragawa River

Is there a BBQ spot nearby?

Yes, there is! Here are some of them.


KITEN Nagaragawa River Auto Campsite

6 minutes drive from the base of Nagaragawa River Rafting

This is a recently opened campsite located near the Minami IC.

Kamagetaki Barbecue Center

16 minutes by car from the base of Nagaragawa River rafting

In addition to barbecue, you can also experience Nagashi Somen (flowing noodles) and fishing ponds.

【take your garbage home with you when you have BBQ on the riverbank.】

The Nagara River is a beautiful river, but unfortunately in recent years there has been an increase in the amount of trash being left behind.

Our guides are working to keep beautify the river by cleaning up trash, driftwood, and other waste.


To keep the Nagara River beautiful in the future, we ask for your cooperation in taking out your garbage.

【Nagara Rafting】hot spring or spa near Nagaragawa River

Is there a hot spring or spa nearby?

Yes, there are.  There are actually more hot springs in Gujo City than you think. Here are a few of them.

Gujo-Hachiman Onsen Housen

Gujo-Hachiman Hot Spring Hosen” is located on the same site as our meeting place.

We may be able to give you a discount coupon for the hot spring, so please ask our staff for one.

Yamato Onsen Yasuragi-kan Kototoi-no-yu

17 minutes by car from the base of Nagaragawa River rafting

Men and women switch weekly between a hot spring with a slide and a flowing hot spring.

Located at a roadside station, you can also buy souvenirs.

Nihon Mannaka Onsen Kodakara-no-yu

18 minutes by car from the base of Nagaragawa River Rafting

This onsen facility is located next to the Nagara River Railway’s Minami Kodakara Onsen station.

It is a common hot spring with a Maki(yew plum pine) bath, a pot bath, a sauna, and an open-air bath.

Bijin no Yu Shirotori Kamiho-no-yu

28 minutes by car from the base of Nagara River rafting.

Recently renewed, this hot spring has very clean and spacious facilities.

After rafting, the hot spring will soak into your tired body!

Ask our Nagara staffs for a recommendation!


【Nagara Rafting】rafting photo

Can I get rafting photos?

We sell them to guests who want to buy them.

For each boat, the guide will take photos of the rafting trip, and a screening will be held after the trip.

If you like the photos, you can buy them as data for each boat.


About photoes of Nagara Rafting

The rafting guide takes about 30~40 photos per boat.

All photo data is sold for ¥2,000.


How to share data

We put the data into your iPhone via a lightning cable.

Please share it with someone else in your group.

For those who want the data on an SD card instead of on an Android phone or smartphone, we can sell the data on an SD card.

The fee for the SD card is ¥3,000 (tax included).

For security reasons, we do not allow your own SD cards.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

【Nagara Rafting】bringing camera, GoPro

Can I bring my camera, GoPro, etc.?

You can bring them with you as long as you follow the cautions below
However, it is not recommended to bring cameras, GoPro, or smartphones on rafting trips, as you are at high risk of losing them.
It is best not to bring anything, as it could cause injury.

Points of caution when bringing cameras and other items

●You are able to bring your own equipment, but please do so at your own risk.

●You surely get wet because there are some huge rapids of head-deep water.

●When you hold the paddle in your hand, you cannot paddle or swim in case of emergency.
 Please make sure to hang or secure the paddle with a string so that you can keep your hands away from the paddle.

●Put your phone in a waterproof case.


Recently, many people lose their cameras and other belongings during rafting trip, and we do not recommend that you do this.

Rafting guides cannot keep your camera or other belongings on the river. You are responsible for any trouble or loss of your camera.

【The guide take pictures of the rafting trip】


It is for sale, but each guide will take your picture on the boat.

Please buy your photos, as they will be great memories for you.

If you have a photo you would like to have taken, please feel free to ask your guide to take it for you!

Your smiling faces may appear on our SNS, blog, and website! LOL!

Of course, if you do not want to have your picture taken, please let us know in advance and we will take it into consideration.

【Nagara Rafting】White water rafting boat

How many people can ride on one boat?

In Nagara River rafting, there are usually nine customers and one rafting guide in each boat, making a total of 10 passengers.


Small groups of guests will share a boat with another small group of guests.

About Boat Splitting

We do our best to keep the same group of people in the same boat, but we we cannot promise that we will be able to keep the same group of people in the same boat.

(1) Percentage of guests on the day of the tour

(2) Adjustment of boat weight when the water level rises

(3) In the event that a reservation is made on the spot on the day of the tour.

The available seats will be shared with other small groups of guests. Thank you for your cooperation.

If you do not want to share a boat, please take the private rafting plan.
This plan does not share the boat with other guests.
If you are more than 10 people and want to charter a boat, you need to book for two boats.

Check this website. Click here!

【Nagara Rafting】kill time near Nagara

Where can non-rafters spend time?

Here are some places as non-rafters can spend time.

Riverbank near here

There is a riverbank within walking distance from our meeting place.
You can cool off near the clear river. Be careful as the walking is not easy on the foothold.
Please ask the staff before the rafting trip starts.


get together to the start point


If you would like to see your companions having fun rafting, we will tell you where the start and finish points are.
You can head there in your own vehicle, just ask our staff before the rafting trip starts.
Please be careful where you park and how you drive.

Gujo-Hachiman Onsen Housen

Gujo-Hachiman Hot Spring Hosen” is located on the same site as our meeting place. We may be able to give you a discount coupon for the hot spring, so please ask our staff.

Shiki-ko (Taiwanese restaurant)

There is a Taiwanese restaurant right next to the Big Smile Nagara River rafting facility.

Food Sample Making Experience

We recommend the food sample making experience, which is located about 15 minutes away by car. It is recommended for adults as well.
Reservations needed. Please check it out!

Sample Village IWASAKI

Finally, please remember to drink plenty of water during the summer months, as you are more at risk of heat stroke, and please be safe and do not overdo it.

【Nagara Rafting】almost late!

What happens if I am late?

We do not allow late arrivals.
Due to an agreement with the Nagaragawa River Fisheries Cooperative, the hours of operation are strictly regulated.

We will do our best to wait for late arrivals, but in some cases, we may decide to cancel the tour on the day of arrival.

If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be treated as a same-day cancellation and your payment will not be refunded.

Thank you for understanding. 

About the start time

We will start guiding from the meeting time of each course, so please complete the check-in by the time of the meeting.

Almost late! What should I do?

Please be sure to contact the local office if you are going to be late for the meeting time due to traffic accident.

Nagaragawa direct phone080-2446-9876

The expressway and surrounding roads are very busy on weekends, holidays, consecutive holidays, summer vacation, and around the time of the Bon Festival. Please drive safely and allow plenty of time for your visit.

【Nagara Rafting】Are there some sinks to wash hands?

Yes, there are.

You can wash your hands, do your hair and makeup, etc.


Hair dryers are also in the changing rooms and may be used freely.

The changing rooms have a limited number of hair dryers, so please share them with other guests.

how to wash the feet

There is tap water and a hose outside, so you can wash your feet.

Please use it if you want to clean sand from your feet.

how to wash the body

Unlike rafting in the sea, rafting on the river is not sticky after getting wet, so you can change directly into your clothes.

If you want to take a shower or bath, there is “Gujo-Hachiman Hot Spring Hosen” on the same site as our meeting place. We can give you a discount coupon for the hot spring, so please ask our staff at the end of the tour.


【Nagara Rafting】white water rafting minimum age

Q. How old do I have to be to participate?

A. Ages 7 and up are allowed to join.
  (Ages 7-12 must join together with a parent or guardian.)

When splitting up into a group of boats, please arrange for one parent or guardian to be on each boat.

Depending on the amount of water, we may switch the course to a safer course if there are elementary school students in the group.

Children under the age of 7 may not participate, even if they are fit enough.

We look forward to welcoming you when you are old enough to participate.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our rafting staff.

Nagara direct phone number→08024469876


♦About the participation age of other rivers we operate
Nagatoro Rafting in Saitama and Okutama Rafting in Tokyo are available for age of 7 and up .

Hozu River Rafting Family Course is from 5 years old.
Hozu River rafting course is available from 7 years old and up.
Please use this information for your trip.

For safety reasons, those who meet the age requirements but are under the influence of alcohol, pregnant, or have any other obstacles to rafting will not be allowed to participate. Please be noted.

White Water Rafting Rules

1.Please be sure to follow the guide’s instructions during the tour.

2.If you are injured or feel unwell, please notify our staff.

3.Please listen carefully to the safety instructions.

4.Please be sure to read and fill out the Pre-tour Participation Authorization Form before the tour.

5.Have a lot of great fun!

Q. Can groups with only minors join?

A. Yes, only minors 13 years and older may join. But do not forget the agreement form signed by a parent or guadian with you.

This is our agreement form. Please print and fill out the agreement form beforehand and bring it with you on the day of the rafting.

【Nagara Rafting】course

Here we answer questions about Nagara River rafting tour times, transportation, rafting courses, and more! Please check it out forthese information if you are thinking of joining us!

Q. How long?

A. About 3.5 hours, including time to change clothes.

About 1 or 1.5 hours to raft a distance of about 5 km.

On the way down, you can experience not only the wildest rapids, but also games on the boat, swimming in the river, and jumping from rocks. (not mandatory)


It depends on season and white water volume.

Q. How do we get to the starting point and how long does it take to get there?

A. We move from our meeting place to and from the rafting start point in our minibus.

Trip time for each course ↓ ↓ ↓

Morning course:10 minutes to the start point and 15 minutes from the finish point.

Afternoon course:15 minutes to the start point and 15 minutes from the finish point.


Q. Is the course the same in the morning and afternoon?

A. They are different courses.

♦Common points of the courses

There are 4 to 5 rapids in the morning and afternoon, and they vary depending on the amount of water and other factors.

The rapid is not always strong, but rather slow and steady, and there are areas where you can take your time.

The Nagaragawa River is highly clear, and when conditions are good, and when conditions are good, you can see down to 5 meters. It is a beautiful river to see and to be in!

Below are the features of each course.

♦About morning courses

You can enjoy a sense of speed, and it is stable and interesting even when the water level is low.

When the water level is high, there are some places where a drop of more than 1 meter can be made!

Depending on the water level situation, you can also play with a boat called surfing.


There is a home for giant salamanders, so you may be able to run into them!

♦About afternoon courses

The rapids are more challenging and the waves are higher. Recommended for those looking for intense waves.

There are many powerful rapids, and when the water is rising, it can be quite thrilling!

The rafting guide can show off his/her skills as he/she sometimes passes close to huge rocks.


The dive from the 5-meter rock, which appears only when the water is rising,is super lucky if you are able to come across it!

(The photo shows the normal diving point.)


Please choose the course that best matches your needs and plans.

We look forward to seeing you at Nagaragawa River!