【Nagatoro Rafting】car parking spaces

We are sorry, but we do not have a parking lot.

Please park at a nearby paid parking lot (about 500 yen per day) before coming to our meeting place.

It would be helpful if you set your car navigation system to “Nagatoro Green Hotel” (out of business), which is located next to the meeting place.

872 Nagatoro-cho, Nagatoro-cho, Chichibu-gun, Saitama


On weekends and holidays, the highways are quite busy and our rafting guests may not arrive in time to join the tour.  Please come with plenty of time to spare.

Nagatoro area is also crowded at some times of the day.

If you are going to be late, please contact us.

Nagatoro direct phone 090-7967-4118  

BIG SMILE Reception Center 0771-29-5370

How do I get there by car?

①From Nerima🆋 to Hanazono🆋 on the Kanetsu Expressway, about 50 minutes.

From Nerima🆋 to Hanazono🆋, about 30 minutes via Route 140.

②From central Tokyo to Kumagaya via Route 17 It takes about 45 minutes from Kumagaya to Kumagaya via Route 140. 

This is our meeting place

BIG SMILE Nagatoro

【Nagatoro Rafting】climate in Nagatoro

Is the river water cold? Is it chilly?

Nagatoro is surrounded by the Chichibu Mountains, so winters can get quite cold, but summers are no different from Tokyo.

Nagatoro is a famous sightseeing spot, and the temperature rises to the same level as in central Tokyo in summer!

Nagatoro is a great place for white water rafting.

In spring and fall, the mornings and evenings are a little chilly, so please take warmer clothes when you come here for a trip.

In the fall, the number of visitors is a little calmer, and you can enjoy rafting while relaxing and enjoying the colored leaves.

You can enjoy the autumn leaves and the river with fewer people, relaxing and enjoying yourself.


We also prepare wetsuits and other warm clothing for our tours to keep your body cool.

Our wetsuits are made of a fabric that becomes warmer when wet.

Wetsuits and other clothing are available for rent on the rafting trip, so please do not worry.

For those who get cold easily, ask us to wear a double layer, etc. Please ask us about this.

【temperature on the Arakawa River?】

The river water temperature is never low.

This makes it a rather easy river to raft and swim in.


Almost everyone swims during the summer season.

Swimming is free participation.

Unlike the ocean, the river water is easily chilled, so please enjoy yourself the limit of your ability.

【Nagatoro Rafting】swimsuit

Can I raft without a swimsuit?

Yes, as long as you have something to wear in place of a swimsuit.


This is an example of a non-swimsuit substitute.

Underwear that can get wet
Sports pants

Cotton items are difficult to dry and get cold easily, so chemical fiber items (e.g., polyurethane and polyester) are recommended.

Specific examples of synthetic fibers include rash guards, leggings, and AIRism by UNIQLO.

During seasons when wetsuits are rented out, swimsuits and other items should be worn inside the wetsuit.


For this reason, innerwear is not visible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our reservation center.



【Nagatoro Rafting】hopeless swimmer

Can I go rafting even if I can’t swim?

Yes, you can raft, as we wear life jackets and helmets.

We are ready for each guest a life jacket of the correct size for rafting.

Also, the Arakawa River rafting is a biginners to medium level of rapids, as the sightseeing boats also go through the same course.

Please wear a life jacket and enjoy the white water rafting.


The rapids do not go on all the time during the tour.

Please feel free to swim and float in the gentle points.


Everyone has their own way of playing and enjoying the river!

We hope this is an opportunity to find out what you like to do.

If you are concerned, please check the eligibility requirements once.

It details the conditions and ages of guests who are eligible to participate.

【Nagatoro Rafting】menstruation

Can I go rafting if I am on my period?

You can participate in rafting. There may be female staff, so please feel free to ask for advice!

Our wetsuits are black, so they are not noticeable.


【gadget】useful goods for menstruation

♦Tampon or sanitary napkin

→When a sanitary napkin gets wet, it becomes puffy and may cause uncomfortable feeling.

 For this reason, tampons are recommended.

♦Period Pills ( painkiller)

→If you are worried about your period, it may be a good idea to take it.

 If you are not comfortable with them, we do not recommend taking them by choice.

disposable heat pack

→Depending on the season, your body may be cold after rafting.

 Warming up your body will help you feel more relaxed.


Take care when you are just not feeling well.

Once you are on the tour, it is difficult to rest.

If you do not feel well during the rafting trip, please feel free to contact us.

【Nagatoro Rafting】change clothes

Do I need to arrive at the meeting place with my clothes changed?

No, you do not need to change your clothes before you check in.
We have separate changing rooms for men and women at our meeting place.

We will also have time for you to change your clothes, so you will be fine.


After checking in, please fill out the agreement form.

After the explanation of how to change clothes, you will change in turn.

If there is enough time left before the start time, you may change before the start.

Please ask our staff about it.

Wetsuits are also available for rent depending on the time of season.

We have a wide range of sizes available, from 120m to 4XL, so please do not worry.


【Nagatoro Rafting】Is it OK for beginners?

Many of our guests are new.
Of course, our staff will explain everything in detail and kindly, so please don’t worry.

All of our rafting guides are rescue certified and will give you a thorough lecture.


In the safety briefing before rafting

●What are dangerous in the Arakawa River?

●How to hold and handle paddles

●What to do in case of falling in the rapids and how to rescue you

We will explain important points in detail and kindly.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us anytime.


At the starting point, we practice paddling, etc., so please do not worry!

Life jackets and helmets will be ready for all participants.

No matter if you are an experienced paddler or a beginner, you are welcome to join the rafting trip.

Relax and enjoy the wildest rapids and beautiful scenery in Nagatoro.

【Nagatoro Rafting】charter boat

What is the Charter Boat Plan?

The Charter Boat Plan is an optional plan that allows you to charter a single boat.
Normally, the boat has a capacity of 9 people, so we ask our guests to share the boat with other guests.

The Charter Boat Plan is for those who do not want to share a boat with other guests.


Please make a reservation for 9 persons without regard to the number of participants.
You will be charged for 9 people.

(If you charter two boats, you will be charged for 18 people.)

【Nagatoro White Water Rafting Journal】


This time, we had a man, nickname Mine-san. He enjoyed white water rafting on Nagatoro with his co-workers.


I participated in this event in August in the middle of summer with a group of young people from my company. I had experienced it once on a different river, but many of the members I went with rafting biginners. They felt nervous before rafting. Seeing the nervous members, I felt a little uneasy as I booked this rafting trip as the leader.


But that is where the professionals come in! Thanks to the BIG SMILE guides who escorted us, we were able to have a safe and enjoyable rafting experience.


Not only the guide who was in our boat, but also those who were in charge of other boats were full of good humor, and all members of the group were satisfied with the experience!


In addition to paddling, we played river games in the water. It was a hot day, so it was very refreshing.


We had a great time rafting this time. After rafting, we enjoyed Nagatoro all day long, taking a hot spring bath and having a barbecue! I highly recommend BIG SMILE Rafting. You should go there!

【Nagatoro Rafting】What is rafting the Arakawa River like?

This course is gentle and easy for rafting beginners to join.

It is close to Tokyo, so you can enjoy rafting in a dynamic nature!

It is 3 km long and has three huge rapids.

The highlight of the course, Kotaki rapids, is the wildest and the most exciting rapids in Nagatoro.


Of course, there are other places to enjoy in Nagatoro besides the wildest rapids.

You can also see the Iwa-datami ( the national natural monument)

Rafting is a great way to enjoy nature in Nagatoro! There are many ways to enjoy white water rafting.


On the way, stop by a stream and healed the natural negative ions


River water is not cold, so you can swim if you want to!

Enjoy the Arakawa River Rafting!

Participants can be as young as 7 years old, and there is no upper age limit, so a wide range of people can participate.

The rafing minimum age is 7 years old, and there is no upper age limit, so a wide age group can participate.

We would like to recommend rafting to make your good summer memories!