【Nagatoro Rafting】climate in Nagatoro

Is the river water cold? Is it chilly?

Nagatoro is surrounded by the Chichibu Mountains, so winters can get quite cold, but summers are no different from Tokyo.

Nagatoro is a famous sightseeing spot, and the temperature rises to the same level as in central Tokyo in summer!

Nagatoro is a great place for white water rafting.

In spring and fall, the mornings and evenings are a little chilly, so please take warmer clothes when you come here for a trip.

In the fall, the number of visitors is a little calmer, and you can enjoy rafting while relaxing and enjoying the colored leaves.

You can enjoy the autumn leaves and the river with fewer people, relaxing and enjoying yourself.


We also prepare wetsuits and other warm clothing for our tours to keep your body cool.

Our wetsuits are made of a fabric that becomes warmer when wet.

Wetsuits and other clothing are available for rent on the rafting trip, so please do not worry.

For those who get cold easily, ask us to wear a double layer, etc. Please ask us about this.

【temperature on the Arakawa River?】

The river water temperature is never low.

This makes it a rather easy river to raft and swim in.


Almost everyone swims during the summer season.

Swimming is free participation.

Unlike the ocean, the river water is easily chilled, so please enjoy yourself the limit of your ability.