【Nagatoro Rafting】valuables

If you bring valuables into the boat, there is a very big risk that they will fall into the river and be lost, or go missing while you are putting on rafting gear.

Pay lockers are set in the changing rooms.

The fee is 100 yen per use. Although there is a charge for this service, please leave your important items in the lockers and enjoy rafting without worrying about them.

Please have 100-yen coins ready.


The keys to the coin lockers are wristband-type.

If not fastened securely, they may be lost.

Please fasten it tightly.

[good example]


[bad example]


Be careful not to leave the key bare or not pass through the ring clasp, as this will lead to loss.

If you lost your key

If you lost your key, you need to pay 3,000 yen for repair.

We recommend that you use them together in a group, etc. so that you are less likely to lose them.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です