【Nagatoro】time schedule

How long does it take?

It takes 3 hours and 15 minutes from the time we meet up to the time we break up.
It takes about 1 hour to go down the 3.5 km course on the Arakawa River.


The end time may be earlier or later depending on the season, weather on the day, and water volume. Please understand this in advance.

♦Brief flow of the tour (a.m/p.m)

9:00/13:30 Meet up, check-in( briefing on rafting trip)

9:30/14:00 Fill out agreement form, change clothes

10:00/14:30 Departure to the starting point by bus


10:15/14:45 Safety briefing, rafting start


11:30/16:00 Rafting goal, return to our meeting place by bus

12:00/16:30 Change of clothes, check photos

12:15/16:45 Break up

Break up time may change depending on the time of season, number of participants, and water volume. Please understand this in advance.
Extra courses are also held during peak season.

Please check our website for booking.

♦How many times should I arrive before?

Please arrive with enough time to spare.


When you arrive, please inform the reception staff of the name of your reservation. A staff member will guide you.

If you have enough time, please wait to use the restroom orput on sunscreen.

If you do not have water with you, there are vending machines available, so please drink your water beforehand.


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