【Nagatoro Rafting】 BBQ spot near Nagatoro

Where can I have BBQ? Are there any places?

Yes, there are! Here are some of them.


Nagatoro valley Barbecue
3 minutes drive from Nagatoro meeting place

This barbecue site is close to Kami-Nagatoro Station.

1502 Nagatoro-cho, Nagatoro-cho, Chichibu-gun, Saitama

Minaminohana Riverbank (our white water rafting start point)
6 minutes drive from Nagatoro meeting place

You need to pay for parking fee, but you can enjoy BBQ at the riverbank.

1253 Shimotano, Minano-cho, Chichibu-gun, Saitama

We also have a BBQ area!

This is a good option for those who want to have a BBQ without reservations on the day!

The term of BBQ is set, but you can bring your own BBQ.

If you want to enjoy BBQ easily or if it is difficult to bring a large baggage by train, please check it out.

Click here for more information about our BBQ area.

【Please do not leave your garbage on the riverbank】

Every year there is a lot of trash along the river. We also participate in river cleanup activities to help keep the river clean.


Please help our cleanup activities to protect the beautiful river.