【Nagatoro White Water Rafting Journal】


This time, we had a man, nickname Mine-san. He enjoyed white water rafting on Nagatoro with his co-workers.


I participated in this event in August in the middle of summer with a group of young people from my company. I had experienced it once on a different river, but many of the members I went with rafting biginners. They felt nervous before rafting. Seeing the nervous members, I felt a little uneasy as I booked this rafting trip as the leader.


But that is where the professionals come in! Thanks to the BIG SMILE guides who escorted us, we were able to have a safe and enjoyable rafting experience.


Not only the guide who was in our boat, but also those who were in charge of other boats were full of good humor, and all members of the group were satisfied with the experience!


In addition to paddling, we played river games in the water. It was a hot day, so it was very refreshing.


We had a great time rafting this time. After rafting, we enjoyed Nagatoro all day long, taking a hot spring bath and having a barbecue! I highly recommend BIG SMILE Rafting. You should go there!