【Nagatoro Rafting】 BBQ spot near Nagatoro

Where can I have BBQ? Are there any places?

Yes, there are! Here are some of them.


Nagatoro valley Barbecue
3 minutes drive from Nagatoro meeting place

This barbecue site is close to Kami-Nagatoro Station.

1502 Nagatoro-cho, Nagatoro-cho, Chichibu-gun, Saitama

Minaminohana Riverbank (our white water rafting start point)
6 minutes drive from Nagatoro meeting place

You need to pay for parking fee, but you can enjoy BBQ at the riverbank.

1253 Shimotano, Minano-cho, Chichibu-gun, Saitama

We also have a BBQ area!

This is a good option for those who want to have a BBQ without reservations on the day!

The term of BBQ is set, but you can bring your own BBQ.

If you want to enjoy BBQ easily or if it is difficult to bring a large baggage by train, please check it out.

Click here for more information about our BBQ area.

【Please do not leave your garbage on the riverbank】

Every year there is a lot of trash along the river. We also participate in river cleanup activities to help keep the river clean.


Please help our cleanup activities to protect the beautiful river.

【Nagatoro】White water rafting boat

How many people can ride on one boat?

The boat holds 10 people, including 9 guests and one of our rafting guides.
The maximum number of people may change depending on the weather and water volume.

A group of 8-9 people will ride in one boat.

Depending on the weather and the amount of water on the day of the rafting trip, we may ask you to ride in two boats.

We will do our best to respondto your request, but we apologize if we are unable to do so.

If there are more than 10 people, we will split the boats.

The available seats may be shared with other guests in a small group.

Small groups will share a boat with other guests.

Charter boat plans are also available. Click here!

【Nagatoro Rafting】Bringing camera, GoPro

Can I bring my camera, GoPro, etc.?

We do not recommend that you bring a camera to the river as you may lose it.
It is also a cause of injury, so it is recommended that you do not bring anything with you.

[About bringing cameras]
You can bring your own. Due to the water activity, you are going to get wet.

We have had many guests who have lost theirs, so we do not recommend it.

Any breakage or loss is your own responsibility. Please understand this in beforehand.


Our rafting guide will take photos of you on the boat.

Photos will be for sale. We hope you will consider buying them as they will be a memorable photo.

If you have a photo you would like to have taken, please feel free to request the guide to take it for you!

If you have a photo you would like to have taken, please make a request to us!

We will try to satisfy your wishes as much as possible!

【Nagatoro Rafting】rafting photo

Can I get rafting photos?

We sell them to guests who wish to buy them.

Each rafting guides take photos of the rafting trip and screen them after rafting.

This will be a time to look back on the half-day tour and see the scenery of Nagatoro, the smiling faces of you and your friends, and the swimming.

If you like them, we will sell them as data for each boat.

【About Nagatoro Rafting Photo】
The guide will take about 30~40 photos per boat.

All photo data will be sold for ?2,000 per one boat.

Please review your summer memories!

【How to share data】
We will put the data into your iPhone via a lightning cable.

Please share it with someone else in your group.

For those who want the data on an SD card instead of on an Android phone or smartphone, we can sell the data on an SD card.

The fee for the SD card is ?3,000 (tax included).

For security reasons, we do not allow your own SD cards.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

【Nagatoro Rafting】BIG SMILE BBQ place

We have BBQ place in our meeting area.

A bring-your-own BBQ is located next to our meeting place.
Reservations are not needed. Bring your own BBQ, please ask our staff on the day. You need to bring your own food and drinks.

BBQ can be held before or after rafting! However, please note that you will not be able to participate in rafting after drinking alcohol.


April 27th- May 5th

July 6th – September 29th (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays in July and September only)

All days in August


1,000 yen per person including tax


Bring your own food and beverages

Usable until 7:00 p.m.

Included in the fee

Tables, chairs, stove (1 stove per group, basic 1 stove for 8 people) net, tongs, fire tongs, fire scissors charcoal, igniter, gloves, fan, lighter, disposable chopsticks, plastic bags for garbage. You can also use the restroom, washroom, and kitchenette for washing up food at the BBQ area .
We have knives, cutting boards, and microwave ovens. Please feel free to use them.

Not included in the fee

Please bring your own food condiments, drinks, paper plates, paper cups, etc. Please bring your own food ingredients, seasonings, drinks, paper plates, paper cups, etc. BBQ food can be kept in the fridge during rafting.

You can get BBQ food and drinks nearby supermarket.

Nearby supermarket is Fujimart Nagatoro (5 minutes walk from Nogami station, 5 minutes drive from Nagatoro station)

Yaoko Minano (10 minutes drive from Nagatoro Station)

There is also a convenience store (5 minute walk) if you just want a drink.

If you are coming by train, we recommend that you buy them with you before you are here.

In addition to food and drinks, please bring condiments, paper plates, paper cups, etc.

Please separate your garbage and bottles or cans. No need to take it home.

【Nagatoro Rafting】hot spring or spa near Nagatoro

Is there a hot spring or spa nearby?

There are. Here are a few of them.

Chichibu Onsen Mangan-no-yu
Chichibu Onsen Mangan-no-yu ? Okunagatoro Shizenkyo (chichibuonsen.co.jp)

4000 Shimohinosawa, Minano-cho, Chichibu-gun, Saitama

TEL: 0494-62-3026

Business hours: 10:00 ? 21:00

About 15 minutes by car or 30 minutes by train.

Chichibu Kawabata Onsen Bon no Yu
Chichibu Kawabata Onsen Bon-no-yu ? One of the best sodium bicarbonate springs in the Kanto area (bon-chichibu.jp)

309-1 Kobashira, Chichibu-shi, Saitama

TEL: 0494-62-0620

Business hours: 9:00-22:00

About 15 minutes drive

Our local staff may know of more recommended hot springs!

Please ask them!

【Nagatoro Rafting】almost late!

I’m going to be late! What should I do?

Just try to make it on time, as it will bother other customers.

If you are more than 30 minutes late, we will regard it as a same-day cancellation.

In this case, sorry to say, we will treat it as a cancellation on the day of the event and will not refund the fee.


If you are going to be late for the meeting time due to traffic congestion or other reasons, please call our direct phone number.

Nagatoro direct phone number 090-7967-4118

We may not be able to answer the phone immediately due to rafting trip preparation. Please leave a message on the answering machine, and we will call you back later.

【Nagatoro Rafting】valuables

If you bring valuables into the boat, there is a very big risk that they will fall into the river and be lost, or go missing while you are putting on rafting gear.

Pay lockers are set in the changing rooms.

The fee is 100 yen per use. Although there is a charge for this service, please leave your important items in the lockers and enjoy rafting without worrying about them.

Please have 100-yen coins ready.


The keys to the coin lockers are wristband-type.

If not fastened securely, they may be lost.

Please fasten it tightly.

[good example]


[bad example]


Be careful not to leave the key bare or not pass through the ring clasp, as this will lead to loss.

If you lost your key

If you lost your key, you need to pay 3,000 yen for repair.

We recommend that you use them together in a group, etc. so that you are less likely to lose them.

 【Nagatoro】white water rafting minumum age

How old do I have to be to join?

Ages 7 and up are allowed to join.

Ages 7-12 must join together with a parent or guardian.

Due to the amount of water, guests under 18 years old may not be allowed to join the rafting trip.

If you are worried about this, please call us.

Nagatoro direct phone 090-7967-4118


If you are under 7 years of age and fit enough to join us, you can not take part in our rafting tour.

We look forward to the day when you are old enough to join.

Our Kyoto Hozugawa Family Course is open to join from the age of 5.

Please check our website for your summer vacation trip.


【Nagatoro】time schedule

How long does it take?

It takes 3 hours and 15 minutes from the time we meet up to the time we break up.
It takes about 1 hour to go down the 3.5 km course on the Arakawa River.


The end time may be earlier or later depending on the season, weather on the day, and water volume. Please understand this in advance.

♦Brief flow of the tour (a.m/p.m)

9:00/13:30 Meet up, check-in( briefing on rafting trip)

9:30/14:00 Fill out agreement form, change clothes

10:00/14:30 Departure to the starting point by bus


10:15/14:45 Safety briefing, rafting start


11:30/16:00 Rafting goal, return to our meeting place by bus

12:00/16:30 Change of clothes, check photos

12:15/16:45 Break up

Break up time may change depending on the time of season, number of participants, and water volume. Please understand this in advance.
Extra courses are also held during peak season.

Please check our website for booking.

♦How many times should I arrive before?

Please arrive with enough time to spare.


When you arrive, please inform the reception staff of the name of your reservation. A staff member will guide you.

If you have enough time, please wait to use the restroom orput on sunscreen.

If you do not have water with you, there are vending machines available, so please drink your water beforehand.