【Okutama Rafting】climate in Okutama

What is the climate in Okutama (Mitake, Ome-city)?

Compared to Tokyo, the temperature is a little chilly when the sun goes down.

Okutama is known for its cool temperatures in the morning and at night.
Since the area is surrounded by mountains, a light coat of clothing is recommended.
Please be careful if you join the afternoon course, especially after the rafting trip, as your body will be chilled for a while.

【What is the water temperature in Okutama?】


Even in midsummer, it is cool and very comfortable!

Some guests wear wetsuits even in mid-summer. Our staff explain how to change clothes on the day of the tour.

【Okutama Rafting】photogenic spot

Where is the photogenic spot of rafting?

Centered on JR Mitake Station, there is a promenade that stretches about 4 km along both riverbanks of the Tama River.
The start point is between Mitake Station and Kawai Station upstream, and the goal point is a little upstream of Ikusabata Station downstream.
The river is within easy view from this trail, and in some places you can get very close to the river. Please use this promenade!


Please ask our staff on the day of your visit.
We tell you the best places to take pictures near the river!

Please be careful when walking on the promenade, as it is crowded with tourists during the summer and the promenade may be narrow!

【Okutama Rafting】swimsuit

Can I raft without a swimsuit?

Yes, as long as you have something to wear in place of a swimsuit.


This is an example of a non-swimsuit substitute.

Underwear that can get wet
Sports pants
rash guards

Cotton items are difficult to dry and get cold easily, so chemical fiber items (e.g., polyurethane and polyester) are recommended.

During seasons when wetsuits are rented out, swimsuits and other items should be worn inside the wetsuit.

For this reason, innerwear is not visible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our reservation center.

Tel 0771-29-5370


【Okutama Rafting】hopeless swimmer

Is it okay if I can’t swim at all?

No problem!

We have a lot of different guests who join us on our rafting trips, and some of them are not good swimmers.

We explain about the gear we use for rafting when you change clothes.
We get you a helmet, a life jacket, and a paddle and go to the starting point.


The life jacket is very strong and floats in the river, so you can swim with safety!

We give you a life jacket in the size that fits you best.

We will securely buckle the life jacket before the start of the rafting trip, so you don’t have to worry.


Helmets and life jackets must be worn until the end of the tour.

【Okutama Rafting】girl’s day

Can I go rafting if I am on my period?

You can participate in rafting. There may be female staff, so please feel free to ask for advice!

Our wetsuits are black, so they are not noticeable.


【gadget】useful goods for girl’s day

♦Tampon or sanitary napkin

→When a sanitary napkin gets wet, it becomes puffy and may cause uncomfortable feeling.

 For this reason, tampons are recommended.

♦Period Pills ( painkiller)

→If you are worried about your period, it may be a good idea to take it.

 If you are not comfortable with them, we do not recommend taking them by choice.

disposable heat pack

→Depending on the season, your body may be cold after rafting.

 Warming up your body will help you feel more relaxed.

【Okutama Rafting】change clothes

Do I need to arrive at the meeting place with my clothes changed?

No, you do not need to.

Our staffl give you a briefing at the meeting place on time, and then it will be time to change your clothes.

Some of our guests come straight after playing on the riverbanks, and some come with their clothes changed, so there is no problem if you come as you are.

However, it is dangerous to go rafting naked or in a bikini, so please be sure to wear a latex T-shirt or swimsuit.

If you are allergic to latex (rubber) products, please bring polyester clothing.

Depending on the time of season and weather conditions, you may be asked to change clothes and then put on a wetsuit over it. If you are allergic to rubber products, please wear long sleeves and long pants to avoid touching the fabric of the wetsuit.

【Okutama Rafting】Is it OK for beginners?

It’s okay to be new to rafting!

More than half of our rafting trip guests are beginners!

Some of our group guests have never even heard of rafting before.
However, after the rafting trip, we receive comments such as “It was a lot of fun and I was thrilled to be able to go on a rafting trip! Even beginners can enjoy rafting!


Our guests are excited and thrilled when they join us on our Okutama rafting tour!
Everyone who guests in rafting goes home with a big smile on their face because of the great location, the wildest rapids, and the fun guides!


When you arrive at the site, there will be staff nearby.Please do not be afraid to ask us anything you do not understand or feel worried about. We will answer with a BIG SMILE!

【Okutama Rafting】charter boat

What is the Charter Boat Plan?

The Charter Boat Plan is an optional plan that allows you to charter a single boat.
Normally, the boat has a capacity of 7 people, so we ask our guests to share the boat with other guests.

The Charter Boat Plan is for those who do not want to share a boat with other guests.

Please make a reservation for 7 persons without regard to the number of participants.
You will be charged for 7 people.

(If you charter two boats, you will be charged for 14 people.)

【Okutama White Water Rafting Journal】


This time, we had a man, nickname is Shige-san. He enjoyed white water rafting on the Tamagawa River near Mitake, Okutama.


I was looking for a place to play nearby and Okutama Rafting came up, so I booked it.
First of all, I had no idea that there was such a place full of nature in Tokyo, so I was excited to see the scenery of Okutama. On the other hand, it was my first time to go rafting, so I was nervous before we started.


Once the rafting started, I forgot about my nerves and enjoyed myself as if I was a boy again. We got along well with the other group members who were in the same boat with us and had a lot of fun! It was great not only to paddle but also to play various games on the boat, such as playing sea otter pose and playing with the boat!


It was my first time to dive, so I took on the challenge! I was a little scared, but a boy who was younger than me jumped in without a moment’s hesitation, so I jumped in as well! It was my first time to dive, so it was a lot of fun! I didn’t expect to be able to dive during the rafting trip, so I was very satisfied!


It was great that everyone in the boat worked together to paddle, and the sense of satisfaction we felt when we reached the goal was something we don’t get to experience very often! It was also great to be able to feel the nature of Okutama with my whole body! I would love to do it again!

【Okutama Rafting】What is rafting the Tamagawa River like?

How active is Okutama Rafting?

The Okutama office is surrounded by mountains, so it is a very beautiful river where you can enjoy the colors of each season and experience something out of the ordinary.
BIG SMILE Okutama rafting is a technical and exciting river from start to finish!

You will not only go down the white water rapids, but you will also enjoy playing many games such as sea otter game, jumping game from the top of the boat, etc. at a gentle point where we stop the boat on the way.


Jumping games are free to join.

Okutama white water rafting are open to 7 years old ( with a parent or guardian) and up.
We have received many comments from both children and adults that it was a great and thrilling river rafting experience, so please join our Okutama rafting trip as often as you would like!

How far down does the Okutama rafting trip go?

Okutama white water rafting takes about 1.5 hours for about 4.5 km down the beautiful valley of the upper reaches of the Tamagawa River.
From the time you arrive at the meeting place to the time you leave the tour will be about 3 hours.   Please note that the end time may change depending on the weather and river water volume.


Okutama Rafting

【Morning course details】

9:00  Briefing at the meeting place (fill out the agreement form, change clothes)

9:30  Arrival at start point & safety briefing

9:45  Start rafting

Start rafting on a 4.5km course


11:15~  Arrive at goal & move to the meeting place by our minibus

11:30~  Change clothes & check some rafting photos

12:00~  Break up!

【Afternoon course details】

13:30  Briefing at the meeting place (fill out the agreement form, change clothes)

14:00  Arrival at start point & safety briefing

14:15  Start rafting

Start rafting on a 4.5km course

15:45  Arrive at goal & move to the meeting place by our minibus


16:00~  Change clothes & check some rafting photos

16:30~  Break up!

During the peak summer season, there will be more courses in the morning and afternoon, so please make reservations at your convenience and at a time when you can come without strain.
Please be careful not to be late during the summer season, as it is very busy for those coming by car.

AM course 9:00    (peak season 9:00&10:00)
PM course 13:30  (peak season 13:30&14:30)

Click here for booking Okutama rafting